characterization of nuclear hormone receptors (e.g., pregnane X receptor), and the classification, characterization, and study of influx and efflux drug transporters. Consequently, it became necessary to revise the first edition of Drug- Drug Interactions, and more than three quarters of the original chapters were updated. In response to the constructive feedback of numerous readers and reviewers, the index was expanded and the sequence of the chapters rearranged.
However, the second edition still presents the subject of drug-drug interactions from a preclinical, clinical, toxicological, regulatory, industrial, and marketing perspective. During the preparation of the second edition, many of us were saddened by the passing of Grant Wilkinson, Ph.D, D.Sc. He contributed extensively to the fields of drug metabolism, drug interactions, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacogenetics. As editor, I appreciate greatly his contributions to Drug-Drug Interactions and dedicate the second edition of the book to him. click here for download (Source:Pharmatext.org)