To this end,we have included sections detailing how medicines use is surveyed and costed, togetherwith practical guidance on doing pharmacy practice research and evaluating pharmaceutical services.
Undergraduate pharmacy courses remain rooted in the pharmaceutical sciences. Within libraries, social and behavioural science texts are segregated from pharmacy texts, and often found at separate sites. Furthermore, interdisciplinary teaching within pharmacy schools remains the exception rather than the rule. Consequently, many of the disciplines and concepts included here will be unfamiliar, perhaps even alien to readers. The backgrounds of the contributors to this textbook are diverse, including pharmacy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, health economics and communication.However, they share a common appreciation of how selected aspects of their specialty inform pharmacy practice. It is hoped that by bringing together disciplines whose knowledge base can, and should, underpin pharmacists’ activities, this comprehensive book will equip readers to be effective health care practitioners.
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