This seventh edition of the pocket companion to Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, seventh edition, is designed to provide practitioners and students with critical information that can be easily used to guide drug therapy decision making in the clinical setting. To ensure brevity and portability, the bulleted format provides the user with essential textual information, key tables and figures, and treatment algorithms Corresponding to the major sections in the main text, disorders are alphabetized within the following sections: Bone and Joint Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Dermatologic Disorders, Endocrinologic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Gynecologic and Obstetric Disorders, Hematologic Disorders, Infectious Diseases, Neurologic Disorders, Nutritional Disorders, Oncologic Disorders, Ophthalmic Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders, Renal Disorders, Respiratory Disorders, and Urologic Disorders
Drug-induced conditions associated with allergic and pseudoallergic reactions, hematologic disorders, liver disease, pulmonary disorders, and kidney disease appear in five tabular appendices. In the seventh edition, information on the management of pharmacotherapy in the elderly has been added as an appendix. Also in the seventh edition, chapters have been added on adrenal gland disorders and influenza. Carrying over a popular feature from Pharmacotherapy, each chapter is organized in a consistent format:click here for download ebooks (SOURCE: PHARMATEXT.ORG)