The Health Maintenance recommendations included here have been updated through the end of 2006. This content is based on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and has been organized by age into one-page recommendations. This summary will allow you to find the most current recommendations to improve health and prevent disease for each population of patients. Again, your feedback resulted in the inclusion of the Centers for Disease Control's immunization tables for quick reference.Why a Desktop and Online version of this content? To respond to your needs for more content and access to your resources at the office, in the hospital, and at home. These new features include easy maneuverability between chapters and sections, extra content not in the book (including a large section on pediatric conditions), and, later this year, introduction of our unique Continuing Medical Education (CME) program. Additionally, you will be able to download updates to this content at no additional cost.
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
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The Health Maintenance recommendations included here have been updated through the end of 2006. This content is based on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and has been organized by age into one-page recommendations. This summary will allow you to find the most current recommendations to improve health and prevent disease for each population of patients. Again, your feedback resulted in the inclusion of the Centers for Disease Control's immunization tables for quick reference.Why a Desktop and Online version of this content? To respond to your needs for more content and access to your resources at the office, in the hospital, and at home. These new features include easy maneuverability between chapters and sections, extra content not in the book (including a large section on pediatric conditions), and, later this year, introduction of our unique Continuing Medical Education (CME) program. Additionally, you will be able to download updates to this content at no additional cost.
Evidence-Based Health Care is the integration of the best medical information with the values of the patient and your skill as a clinician. Less harm comes to our patients if we respect the medical literature; we have improved our content and visibility of the best evidence, so you can focus on how to apply it.The Health Maintenance recommendations included here have been updated through the end of 2006. This content is based on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and has been organized by age into one-page recommendations. This summary will allow you to find the most current recommendations to improve health and prevent disease for each population of patients. Again, your feedback resulted in the inclusion of the Centers for Disease Control's immunization tables for quick reference.Why a Desktop and Online version of this content? To respond to your needs for more content and access to your resources at the office, in the hospital, and at home. These new features include easy maneuverability between chapters and sections, extra content not in the book (including a large section on pediatric conditions), and, later this year, introduction of our unique Continuing Medical Education (CME) program. Additionally, you will be able to download updates to this content at no additional cost.
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
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Exposures to over-the-counter products are frequent in pregnant women. Perhaps this is a paradoxical response to the decreased use of prescribed medications during pregnancy for fear of teratogenicity. For many women, natural health products such as herbal medicines or supplements may seem a reasonable alternative as the lay media often portrays natural medicines as safe. While the true incidence of natural product use in pregnancy is not known, some studies suggest that as high as sixty percent of pregnant women use natural therapies including herbal medicines either during pregnancy or while planning.1 Pregnant women often consider the use of natural products such as peppermint tea or ginger to help with symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting 2 In one study of midwives practicing in North Carolina, half of the respondents admitted to recommending herbal medicines to their patients for pregnancy related conditions. 3 Further to this intended use, it must be remembered that nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned and unexpected exposures to medicines and supplements in the first trimester are not rare.
Exposures to over-the-counter products are frequent in pregnant women. Perhaps this is a paradoxical response to the decreased use of prescribed medications during pregnancy for fear of teratogenicity. For many women, natural health products such as herbal medicines or supplements may seem a reasonable alternative as the lay media often portrays natural medicines as safe. While the true incidence of natural product use in pregnancy is not known, some studies suggest that as high as sixty percent of pregnant women use natural therapies including herbal medicines either during pregnancy or while planning.1 Pregnant women often consider the use of natural products such as peppermint tea or ginger to help with symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting 2 In one study of midwives practicing in North Carolina, half of the respondents admitted to recommending herbal medicines to their patients for pregnancy related conditions. 3 Further to this intended use, it must be remembered that nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned and unexpected exposures to medicines and supplements in the first trimester are not rare.
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When I first conceived this book, back in the late 1980s, cutting-edge pharmaceutical practice was taking place primarily in hospitals, and ‘clinical pharmacist’ was a somewhat elitist term applied to the smallish number of hospital pharmacists who contributed to the direct care of patients on hospital wards but rarely got involved in actually writing the prescription or independently adjusting drug dosage. Twenty years on, most practising pharmacists can justly be described as ‘clinical’ pharmacists. Pharmacists are independent prescribers in a wide range of clinical areas and working under patient group directions to supply and administer medicines without a prescription.In hospitals, consultant pharmacists have their own case load of patients and provide the highest levels of pharmaceutical care as well as contributing to research and development in their chosen specialty, whereas in the community, pharmacists with a special interest are being commissioned to provide high-level services that contribute to the overall care of patients in their specialty area. In hospitals most pharmacists spend a large part of their day working on the wards providing direct patient care, such as taking drug histories, advising on and monitoring therapy, and supporting discharge. In the community pharmacists are being commissioned to contribute to the management of patients with long-term as well as acute conditions, provide medicines use reviews to support adherence, and are seen as a key source of advice and support for preventative health measures, providing immunisations, helping patients to stop smoking and lose weight, and carrying out NHS health checks. The career opportunities for pharmacists in primary care have also expanded. Pharmacists can now be found working in GP surgeries, helping GPs to optimise their prescribing, and running medication review or specialist clinics, and pharmacists in NHS commissioning organisations are bringing their knowledge and skills to the commissioning and monitoring of NHS services involving medicines, as well as to the area of public health.
When I first conceived this book, back in the late 1980s, cutting-edge pharmaceutical practice was taking place primarily in hospitals, and ‘clinical pharmacist’ was a somewhat elitist term applied to the smallish number of hospital pharmacists who contributed to the direct care of patients on hospital wards but rarely got involved in actually writing the prescription or independently adjusting drug dosage. Twenty years on, most practising pharmacists can justly be described as ‘clinical’ pharmacists. Pharmacists are independent prescribers in a wide range of clinical areas and working under patient group directions to supply and administer medicines without a prescription.In hospitals, consultant pharmacists have their own case load of patients and provide the highest levels of pharmaceutical care as well as contributing to research and development in their chosen specialty, whereas in the community, pharmacists with a special interest are being commissioned to provide high-level services that contribute to the overall care of patients in their specialty area. In hospitals most pharmacists spend a large part of their day working on the wards providing direct patient care, such as taking drug histories, advising on and monitoring therapy, and supporting discharge. In the community pharmacists are being commissioned to contribute to the management of patients with long-term as well as acute conditions, provide medicines use reviews to support adherence, and are seen as a key source of advice and support for preventative health measures, providing immunisations, helping patients to stop smoking and lose weight, and carrying out NHS health checks. The career opportunities for pharmacists in primary care have also expanded. Pharmacists can now be found working in GP surgeries, helping GPs to optimise their prescribing, and running medication review or specialist clinics, and pharmacists in NHS commissioning organisations are bringing their knowledge and skills to the commissioning and monitoring of NHS services involving medicines, as well as to the area of public health.
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
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Each of us learned during our secondary school days
that frogs are cold-blooded creatures. By definition,
we came to know that frogs would adapt their body
temperatures to their external surroundings. Through
this process, the metabolic and circulatory systems of
the frog could adjust the temperature of its blood and
thereby survive the external environment.In contrast to the frog, social systems and their
constituents do not adapt so effectively or efficiently.
This is particularly evident in healthcare systems,
owing to continuous global dialogue on access to
care, organisation of health delivery, financing of
healthcare services and products, and assuring safety
and quality. Few countries have determined perfect
solutions. Some have extreme difficulty adjusting to
the events of the external environment. In the developed
world, it is becoming clear that current healthcare
systems may not be sustainable in the future.
Major human, fiscal and infrastructure resources are
required in the developing and transitional countries
in order to provide a basic set of essential healthcare
services to their respective populations.
Each of us learned during our secondary school days
that frogs are cold-blooded creatures. By definition,
we came to know that frogs would adapt their body
temperatures to their external surroundings. Through
this process, the metabolic and circulatory systems of
the frog could adjust the temperature of its blood and
thereby survive the external environment.In contrast to the frog, social systems and their
constituents do not adapt so effectively or efficiently.
This is particularly evident in healthcare systems,
owing to continuous global dialogue on access to
care, organisation of health delivery, financing of
healthcare services and products, and assuring safety
and quality. Few countries have determined perfect
solutions. Some have extreme difficulty adjusting to
the events of the external environment. In the developed
world, it is becoming clear that current healthcare
systems may not be sustainable in the future.
Major human, fiscal and infrastructure resources are
required in the developing and transitional countries
in order to provide a basic set of essential healthcare
services to their respective populations.
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010
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Pharmacy students and practitioners now have increased responsibilities in the areas of prescribing and treatment. Modern therapeutics requires an understanding of the disease process, clinical pharmacology and the supporting evidence from scientifically designed clinical trials. The process of selecting optimal drug regimens is a team effort and depends upon the skills of pharmacists working with physicians, nurses and other health care professionals. This multi-author text, written by pharmacists and physicians, is suitable for those who work in both primary and secondary care. It provides a complete and detailed account of all major aspects of therapeutics and rational drug use in a readable and attractive style.The best-known, most widely respected text in the field of clinical pharmacy In-depth treatment of therapeutics - more important than ever because of the expanding role of the pharmacist in prescribing Each chapter on therapeutics follow a logical order and format: ley points, epidemiology, aetiology, disease, clinical manifestations, investigations and treatment, drugs used in treatment. Effective use of tables and boxes for supplementary information Written by an experienced multi-disciplinary team of pharmacists and doctors New chapter on prescribing for pharmacists. More in-depth discussion of the rationales for drugs treatment. New boxes throughout on 'prescribing tips'.
Pharmacy students and practitioners now have increased responsibilities in the areas of prescribing and treatment. Modern therapeutics requires an understanding of the disease process, clinical pharmacology and the supporting evidence from scientifically designed clinical trials. The process of selecting optimal drug regimens is a team effort and depends upon the skills of pharmacists working with physicians, nurses and other health care professionals. This multi-author text, written by pharmacists and physicians, is suitable for those who work in both primary and secondary care. It provides a complete and detailed account of all major aspects of therapeutics and rational drug use in a readable and attractive style.The best-known, most widely respected text in the field of clinical pharmacy In-depth treatment of therapeutics - more important than ever because of the expanding role of the pharmacist in prescribing Each chapter on therapeutics follow a logical order and format: ley points, epidemiology, aetiology, disease, clinical manifestations, investigations and treatment, drugs used in treatment. Effective use of tables and boxes for supplementary information Written by an experienced multi-disciplinary team of pharmacists and doctors New chapter on prescribing for pharmacists. More in-depth discussion of the rationales for drugs treatment. New boxes throughout on 'prescribing tips'.
Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010
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Patients with acute renal failure, chronic kidney disease (CKD) or those treated
with dialysis or kidney transplantation are frequently prescribed numerous
medications. Drugs of many therapeutic classes are used to treat the underlying
diseases leading to CKD, such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, while
others are used to control or treat the common complications of CKD, such
as anemia, renal bone disease and lipid disorders.Dialysis patients often are prescribed 10 to 12 medications. With such a large number of medications, there
is an increased risk for drug interactions. The accompanying table has been
prepared as a reference regarding the most clinically significant drug
interactions that might occur, together with an indication of the possible
consequence. This table should be used as a general guideline.
Sometimes information is known about one specific drug within a certain drug
class, while additional information is not known about other agents within the
same therapeutic category. Clinicians must be aware of this possibility and use
their best judgement when prescribing or assessing drug therapy.
Patients with acute renal failure, chronic kidney disease (CKD) or those treated
with dialysis or kidney transplantation are frequently prescribed numerous
medications. Drugs of many therapeutic classes are used to treat the underlying
diseases leading to CKD, such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension, while
others are used to control or treat the common complications of CKD, such
as anemia, renal bone disease and lipid disorders.Dialysis patients often are prescribed 10 to 12 medications. With such a large number of medications, there
is an increased risk for drug interactions. The accompanying table has been
prepared as a reference regarding the most clinically significant drug
interactions that might occur, together with an indication of the possible
consequence. This table should be used as a general guideline.
Sometimes information is known about one specific drug within a certain drug
class, while additional information is not known about other agents within the
same therapeutic category. Clinicians must be aware of this possibility and use
their best judgement when prescribing or assessing drug therapy.
Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010
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The first edition of Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology
was written whilst we were medical students at St Bartholomew’s
& The Royal London Hospital School of Medicine and
Dentistry. At that time, we were in need of a practical yet
concise set of notes to revise clinical pharmacology. What had
initially been a collated set of revision notes was expanded
upon, structured and turned into the first edition of this book.
Some time has passed since then and, with research in pharmacology
marching on, it became evident that an update was
needed.In this second edition, we have presented information on 127
drugs, which you are most likely to encounter on hospital
wards or during your course of study. Sections containing
both treatment regimens of common conditions and detailed
information on the relevant drugs will help the reader obtain a
better understanding of therapeutic management.
The first edition of Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology
was written whilst we were medical students at St Bartholomew’s
& The Royal London Hospital School of Medicine and
Dentistry. At that time, we were in need of a practical yet
concise set of notes to revise clinical pharmacology. What had
initially been a collated set of revision notes was expanded
upon, structured and turned into the first edition of this book.
Some time has passed since then and, with research in pharmacology
marching on, it became evident that an update was
needed.In this second edition, we have presented information on 127
drugs, which you are most likely to encounter on hospital
wards or during your course of study. Sections containing
both treatment regimens of common conditions and detailed
information on the relevant drugs will help the reader obtain a
better understanding of therapeutic management.
Senin, 25 Oktober 2010
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Sebuah software yang digunakan oleh apoteker, untuk melihat klasifikasi obat, interaksi obat, deskripsi obat, dan lain-lain, cukup simple dan lengkap, tidak ada salahnya anda mencoba software yang satu ini, silakan anda kunjungi, isi buku tamu dan download software nya, Spesifikasi min Computer anda, P II hardisk 10 GB, Memori 128, Software ini sudah di uji coba menggunakan Windows XP SP 3, bekerja dengan baik, untuk Vista dan Window Se7en silakan coba sendiri yaSabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

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machines, the author has attempted to write a little handbook of practical instruction for the running of it. And seeing that, like other machines, it derives the whole of its energy from its fuel, the subject of foods--their properties, uses, and methods of preparation--has been gone into with unusual care. An adequate supply of clean-burning food-fuel for the human engine is so absolutely fundamental both for health and for efficiency--we are so literally what we have eaten--that to be well fed is in very fact two-thirds of the battle of life from a physiological point of view.The whole discussion is in accord with the aim, kept in view throughout the book, of making its suggestion and advice positive instead of negative, pointing out that, in the language of the old swordsman, "attack is the best defense." If we actively do those things that make for health and efficiency, and which, for the most part, are attractive and agreeable to our natural instincts and unspoiled tastes,--such as exercising in the open air, eating three square meals a day of real food, getting nine or ten hours of undisturbed sleep, taking plenty of fresh air and cold water both inside and out,--this will of itself carry us safely past all the forbidden side paths without the need of so much as a glance at the "Don't" and "Must not" with which it has been the custom to border and fence in the path of right living.
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
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This volume covers the adverse effects of herbal medicines.
The material has been collected from Meyler’s Side
Effects of Drugs: The International Encyclopedia of
Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions (15th edition,
2006, in six volumes), which was itself based on previous
editions of Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs, and from the
Side Effects of Drugs Annuals (SEDA) 28, 29, and 30. The main contributors of this material were JK Aronson,
PAGM de Smet, E Ernst, and M Pittler.Leopold Meyler was a physician who was treated for
tuberculosis after the end of the Nazi occupation of The
Netherlands. According to Professor Wim Lammers, writing
a tribute in Volume VIII (1975), Meyler got a fever
from para-aminosalicylic acid, but elsewhere Graham
Dukes has written, based on information from Meyler’s
widow, that it was deafness from dihydrostreptomycin;
perhaps it was both. Meyler discovered that there was
no single text to which medical practitioners could look
for information about unwanted effects of drug therapy;
Louis Lewin’s text ‘‘Die Nebenwirkungen der
Arzneimittel’’ (‘‘The Untoward Effects of Drugs’’) of
1881 had long been out of print (SEDA-27, xxv-xxix).
This volume covers the adverse effects of herbal medicines.
The material has been collected from Meyler’s Side
Effects of Drugs: The International Encyclopedia of
Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions (15th edition,
2006, in six volumes), which was itself based on previous
editions of Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs, and from the
Side Effects of Drugs Annuals (SEDA) 28, 29, and 30. The main contributors of this material were JK Aronson,
PAGM de Smet, E Ernst, and M Pittler.Leopold Meyler was a physician who was treated for
tuberculosis after the end of the Nazi occupation of The
Netherlands. According to Professor Wim Lammers, writing
a tribute in Volume VIII (1975), Meyler got a fever
from para-aminosalicylic acid, but elsewhere Graham
Dukes has written, based on information from Meyler’s
widow, that it was deafness from dihydrostreptomycin;
perhaps it was both. Meyler discovered that there was
no single text to which medical practitioners could look
for information about unwanted effects of drug therapy;
Louis Lewin’s text ‘‘Die Nebenwirkungen der
Arzneimittel’’ (‘‘The Untoward Effects of Drugs’’) of
1881 had long been out of print (SEDA-27, xxv-xxix).
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010
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BP 2009 Part 1
BP 2009 Part 2
BP 2009 Part 3
BP 2009 Part 4
"The British Pharmacopoeia" ("BP") 2009 is the authoritative, current collection of standards for UK medicinal substances and the official source of all UK pharmaceutical quality standards. It is an essential reference for anyone involved in pharmaceutical research, development, manufacture and testing, and plays a vital role in ensuring that all medicinal substances on the UK market meet standards of safety, quality and efficacy.The "BP" comprises monographs, which set out the mandatory standards for active substances, excipients and formulated preparations, together with supporting General Notices, Appendices (test methods, reagents, etc) and Reference Spectra. Detailed information and guidance on various aspects of current pharmacopoeial policy and practice are provided in the Supplementary Chapters of the "BP".The "BP" is supplied in a variety of formats designed for ease of use and a wide range of applications
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BP 2009 Part 1
BP 2009 Part 2
BP 2009 Part 3
BP 2009 Part 4
"The British Pharmacopoeia" ("BP") 2009 is the authoritative, current collection of standards for UK medicinal substances and the official source of all UK pharmaceutical quality standards. It is an essential reference for anyone involved in pharmaceutical research, development, manufacture and testing, and plays a vital role in ensuring that all medicinal substances on the UK market meet standards of safety, quality and efficacy.The "BP" comprises monographs, which set out the mandatory standards for active substances, excipients and formulated preparations, together with supporting General Notices, Appendices (test methods, reagents, etc) and Reference Spectra. Detailed information and guidance on various aspects of current pharmacopoeial policy and practice are provided in the Supplementary Chapters of the "BP".The "BP" is supplied in a variety of formats designed for ease of use and a wide range of applications
Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
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User friendly revolutionary program that will allow you quickly and easily improve the accuracy of your clinical observations, diag- nosis and herbal prescriptions.With a few clicks of the mouse, you can quickly and easily see more clearly the possibilities and best use of interconnected formulas, conditions, and actions.Over 140 herbs and over 400 specific ailments are referenced,Search by indication,Unique search by multiple actions,The program offers you the, ability to add your own data,Preparation methods are given for each herb,Adult dosage ranges for all appropriate preparations are given
Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010
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The United States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary and its Supplements become official six months after being released to the public. The USP–NF, which is released on November 1 of each year, becomes official on May 1 of the following year.
This change was adopted to give users more time to bring their methods and procedures into compliance with new and revised USP–NF requirements.The table below describes the new official dates. The 2008 USP31–NF26, and the Supplements and Interim Revision Announcements (IRAs) to that edition, will be official until May 1, 2009, at which time the USP32–NF27 becomes official.
The United States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary and its Supplements become official six months after being released to the public. The USP–NF, which is released on November 1 of each year, becomes official on May 1 of the following year.
This change was adopted to give users more time to bring their methods and procedures into compliance with new and revised USP–NF requirements.The table below describes the new official dates. The 2008 USP31–NF26, and the Supplements and Interim Revision Announcements (IRAs) to that edition, will be official until May 1, 2009, at which time the USP32–NF27 becomes official.
Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
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Remington Part 1
Remington Part 2
Remington Part 3
For over 100 years, Remington has been the definitive textbook and reference on the science and practice of pharmacy. This Twenty-First Edition keeps pace with recent changes in the pharmacy curriculum and professional pharmacy practice. More than 95 new contributors and 5 new section editors provide fresh perspectives on the field. New chapters include pharmacogenomics,application of ethical principles to practice dilemmas, technology and automation, professional communication, medication errors, re-engineering pharmacy practice, management of special risk medicines, specialization in pharmacy practice, disease state management, emergency patient care, and wound care. Purchasers of this textbook are entitled to a new, fully indexed Bonus CD-ROM, affording instant access to the full content of Remington in a convenient and portable format.
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Remington Part 1
Remington Part 2
Remington Part 3
For over 100 years, Remington has been the definitive textbook and reference on the science and practice of pharmacy. This Twenty-First Edition keeps pace with recent changes in the pharmacy curriculum and professional pharmacy practice. More than 95 new contributors and 5 new section editors provide fresh perspectives on the field. New chapters include pharmacogenomics,application of ethical principles to practice dilemmas, technology and automation, professional communication, medication errors, re-engineering pharmacy practice, management of special risk medicines, specialization in pharmacy practice, disease state management, emergency patient care, and wound care. Purchasers of this textbook are entitled to a new, fully indexed Bonus CD-ROM, affording instant access to the full content of Remington in a convenient and portable format.
Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010
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The aim of Martindale is to provide healthcare professionals with unbiased evaluated information on drugs and medicines used throughout the world. It therefore has to develop as the body of knowledge on existing drugs grows, new drugs emerge, new preparations are launched, and old preparations are abandoned, reformulated, or redefined. It also has to reflect the changing needs
of those practising pharmacy and medicine. We try to ensure that each new edition continues to meet all these needs.
The aim of Martindale is to provide healthcare professionals with unbiased evaluated information on drugs and medicines used throughout the world. It therefore has to develop as the body of knowledge on existing drugs grows, new drugs emerge, new preparations are launched, and old preparations are abandoned, reformulated, or redefined. It also has to reflect the changing needs
of those practising pharmacy and medicine. We try to ensure that each new edition continues to meet all these needs.
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