Selasa, 28 Juli 2009


Berlalunya masa ASI Eksklusif (saat bayi memasuki usia 6 bulan) merupakan momen tepat bagi orangtua untuk memperkenalkan makanan pendamping ASI (MPASI) pada si kecil. Tujuannya tak lain agar keterampilan makan si kecil jadi terlatih. Jadi jangan terlambat memperkenalkannya agar bayi tidak mengalami kesulitan makan karena kemampuan mengunyahnya yang tidak terstimulasi Tentu saja MPASI perlu diberikan secara bertahap. Perkenalan awal saat usia bayi 6 bulan mesti dibuka dengan hidangan yang semicair. Seiring pertambahan usia dan perkembangan bayi, tekstur makanannya semakin lama harus semakin kasar hingga akhirnya ia siap mengonsumsi makanan keluarga di usia 1 tahun. Nah, semua ini kami bahas secara lengkap di sini
Kami berharap buklet ini dapat menjadi inspirasi dalam mengolah menu makanan bayi. Semoga juga tak ada legi keluhan mengenai menu makanan bayi yang "dituduh" hanya itu-itu saja. Namun yang menjadi harapan terbesar bagi kami adalah agar kita sebagai orangtua dapat memberikan yang terbaik bagi si kecil. Bukan hanya dengan menyajikan hidangan-hidangan yang lezat saja, namun juga bervariasi dan tentu bergizi
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Minggu, 26 Juli 2009


Lihat kedua payudara, perhatikan apakah kedua
payudara simetris dan kalau-kalau ada sesuatu yang tidak biasa seperti perubahan dalam bentuk payudara, urat yang menonjol, perubahan warna atau bentuk lain dari biasanya.
Lihat apakah terdapat perubahan pada puting, terjadi kerutan, cawak atau pengelupasan kulit.Kemudian perlahan-lahan angkatlah kedua lengan ke atas sambil memerhatikan apakah kedua payudara tetap simetris

Gunakan tangan kiri untuk memeriksa payudara kanan dengan cara merabanya, dan sebaliknya untuk payudara kiri.Angkat tangan kiri Anda. Gunakan tiga atau empat empat jari tangan kanan untuk merasakan payudara sebelah kiri dengan teliti dan menyeluruh. Dimulai dari ujung bagian luar, tekan dengan bagian jari-jari yang pipih dalam gerakan melingkar kecil, bergerak perlahan-lahan di sekitar payudara. Mulai pada bagian ujung luar payudara dan secara perlahan-lahan bergerak ke bagian puting, atau sebaliknya.Yakinlah untuk meraba semua bagian payudara dan termasuk daerah sekitar payudara dan ketiak, termasuk bagian ketiak itu sendiri. Klik disini untuk download artikel

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Hal- hal Yang Perlu Diperhatikan dalam Masa Kehamilan : Makan 1-2 piring lebih banyak makanan bergizi dalam 1 hari- terlebih jika anda kurus, makan lebih banyak sayur dan buah, lauk- pauk – daging merah, ayam, telur, ikan, ercis dan kacang- kacangan setiap hari. Periksa kehamilan secara teratur ke bidan atau petugas kesehatan lainnya. Minum suplemen zat besi dari bidan tiap hari untuk mencegah pendarahan pada saat melahirkan. Menerima suntikan TT 2 kali semasa kehamilan Menggunakan garam beryodium di makanan setiap hari untuk kesehatan janin. Tetap melakukan aktivitas sehari- hari dan berolahraga secara teratur, tapi jaga jangan terlalu capek.

Hal-hal Yang Harus dihindari Untuk Kesehatan Janin Bekerja terlalu keras dan tidak cukup istirahat. Minum obat sembarangan kecuali dengan resep dokter.
Pijat perut. Berada di sekitar anak- anak penderita cacar atau cacar Jerman. Merokok Minum minuman beralkohol Bekerja dengan dan menghirup pestisida, herbisida atau bahan kimia lainnya. Makan terlalu sedikit dengan menu monoton; tidak ada makanan yang harus dihindari selama kehamilan. klik disini untuk download artikel (

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Sejak pemberian vaksinasi secara luas di Amerika Serikat, jumlah kasus penyakit pada anak seperti campak dan pertusis (batuk rejan/batuk seratus hari) turun hingga 95% lebih. Imunisasi telah melindungi anak-anak dari penyakit mematikan dan telah menyelamatkan ribuan nyawa. Saat ini beberapa penyakit sangat jarang timbul sehingga para orang tua kadang mempertanyakan apakah vaksinasi masih diperlukan. Anggapan yang keliru ini hanya salah satu dari kesalahpahaman mengenai imunisasi. Kebenarannya adalah bahwa sebagian besar vaksin mampu mencegah penyakit yang masih ada di dunia, walaupun angka kejadian penyakit tersebut jarang. Vaksinasi masih sangat berperan penting dalam menjaga kesehatan anak. Bacalah lebih lanjut tentang imunisasi secara lebih jelas dalam uraian berikut!

Vaksin bekerja dengan mempersiapkan tubuh anak anda untuk memerangi penyakit. Setiap suntikan imunisasi yang diberikan mengandung kuman mati atau yang dilemahkan, atau bagian darinya, yang menyebabkan penyakit tertentu. Tubuh anak anda akan dilatih untuk memerangi penyakit dengan membuat antibodi yang mengenali bagian-bagian kuman secara spesifik. Kemudian akan timbul respon tubuh yang menetap atau dalam jangka panjang. Jadi, ketika anak terpapar pada penyakit yang sebenarnya, antibodi telah siap pada tempatnya dan tubuh tahu cara memeranginya sehingga anak tidak jatuh sakit. Inilah yang disebut sebagai imunitas (ketahanan tubuh terhadap penyakit tertentu). Klik disini untuk download buku (

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DNA mitokondria yang menyimpan informasi genetik dan diwariskan kepada anak sebagai penerus keturunan, hanya terdapat secara lengkap pada sel telur. Sel sperma terlalu kecil untuk dapat memuat beberapa mitokondria, karena membutuhkan energi untuk menggerakkan ekornya ketika berenang menuju ovum (sel telur). Hanya sebagian kecil saja mitokondria dari sel sperma yang terpakai untuk membuahi sel telur, lainnya terbuang pada saat kepala sperma diserap sel telur sewaktu terjadinya pembuahan tersebut.

Karena itulah, kondisi kesehatan keturunannya kelak lebih ditentukan oleh kondisi kesehatan ibu. Sel telur sudah dibentuk sebagai bagian dari proses perkembangan janin sebelum wanita dilahirkan; dan pada saat bayi perempuan dilahirkan ia memiliki sekitar 2 juta sel telur, yang sebagian besar akan rusak selama masa pertumbuhannya menjadi kanak-kanak. Pada saat ia menginjak remaja tersisa sekitar 200.000 yang siap dikembangkan Klik disini untuk download buku (

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Rabu, 22 Juli 2009


Since the publication of the first edition of Drug-Drug Interactions in 2002, our knowledge of the various human drug-metabolizing enzyme systems and drug transporters has continued to grow at a rapid pace. This continued growth in knowledge has been fueled by further advances in molecular biology, the continued availability of human tissue, and the development of additional model systems and sensitive assay methods for studying drug metabolism and transport in vitro and in vivo. Broadly speaking, there has been considerable progress in six major areas: in silico (computer-based) approaches, transgenic animal models, pharmacokinetic-based predictions and modeling, the characterization of additional drug-metabolizing enzymes (e.g., CYP2B6 and CYP2C8)

characterization of nuclear hormone receptors (e.g., pregnane X receptor), and the classification, characterization, and study of influx and efflux drug transporters. Consequently, it became necessary to revise the first edition of Drug- Drug Interactions, and more than three quarters of the original chapters were updated. In response to the constructive feedback of numerous readers and reviewers, the index was expanded and the sequence of the chapters rearranged.
However, the second edition still presents the subject of drug-drug interactions from a preclinical, clinical, toxicological, regulatory, industrial, and marketing perspective. During the preparation of the second edition, many of us were saddened by the passing of Grant Wilkinson, Ph.D, D.Sc. He contributed extensively to the fields of drug metabolism, drug interactions, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacogenetics. As editor, I appreciate greatly his contributions to Drug-Drug Interactions and dedicate the second edition of the book to him. click here for download (

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In many countries, medicine is at present facing urgent political and economic calls for reform. These socioeconomic pressures notwithstanding, pharmacotherapy has always been an integral part of the health care system and will remain so in the future. Well-founded knowledge of the preventive and therapeutic value of drugs is a sine qua non for the successful treatment of patients entrusting themselves to a physician or pharmacist. Because of the plethora of proprietary medicines and the continuous influx of new pharmaceuticals, the drug market is dif cult
to survey and hard to understand. This is true not only for the student in search of a logical systemfor dealing with the wealth of available drugs, but also for the practicing clinician in immediate need of independent information.
Clearly, a pocket atlas can provide only a basic framework. Comprehensive knowledge has to be gained frommajor textbooks. As is evident from the drug lists included in the Appendix, some 600 drugs are covered in the present Atlas. This number should be suf cient for everyday medical practice and could be interpreted as a Model List. The advances in pharmacotherapy made in recent years have required us to incorporate new plates and text passages, and to expunge obsolete approaches. Several plates needed to be brought in line with new
knowledge. click here for download

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Senin, 20 Juli 2009


This seventh edition of the pocket companion to Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, seventh edition, is designed to provide practitioners and students with critical information that can be easily used to guide drug therapy decision making in the clinical setting. To ensure brevity and portability, the bulleted format provides the user with essential textual information, key tables and figures, and treatment algorithms Corresponding to the major sections in the main text, disorders are alphabetized within the following sections: Bone and Joint Disorders, Cardiovascular Disorders, Dermatologic Disorders, Endocrinologic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Gynecologic and Obstetric Disorders, Hematologic Disorders, Infectious Diseases, Neurologic Disorders, Nutritional Disorders, Oncologic Disorders, Ophthalmic Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders, Renal Disorders, Respiratory Disorders, and Urologic Disorders Drug-induced conditions associated with allergic and pseudoallergic reactions, hematologic disorders, liver disease, pulmonary disorders, and kidney disease appear in five tabular appendices. In the seventh edition, information on the management of pharmacotherapy in the elderly has been added as an appendix. Also in the seventh edition, chapters have been added on adrenal gland disorders and influenza. Carrying over a popular feature from Pharmacotherapy, each chapter is organized in a consistent format:click here for download ebooks (SOURCE: PHARMATEXT.ORG)

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Davis’s Pocket Clinical Drug Reference is a quick resource for the most commonly used drugs in clinical practice. The monographs are designed to highlight pertinent information; specifically, each monograph includes a drug’s generic name, brand name, therapeutic indication, pharmacologic class, pregnancy class, contraindications, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, dose, availability, and monitoring parameters.To incorporate as many drugs as possible into a pocket drug guide format, only the most common adverse drug reactions and drug interactions are presented within each monograph. The table entitled Cytochrome P450 Substrates /Inhibitors/Inducers (page 285) provides more specific information regarding the drugs that may beinvolved in certain drug interactions

Additionally, within each monograph, a Notes section is included to highlight miscellaneous information that users should consider when initiating or monitoring drug therapy in their patients. In the Appendix, a number of useful tables and charts, covering topics such as immunization guidelines, intravenous drugs, and narcotic equianalgesic dosing guidelines, provide additional information that is relevant to clinical practice. To obtain detailed drug information beyond what is supplied in the monographs of this pocket drug guide, the user should refer to the medical literature or the complete product information supplied by the here for download ebooks (source:PHARMATEXT.ORG)

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This is the first edition of Pharmacy Law: Textbook and Review. As an Assistant Adjunct Professor at Albany College of Pharmacy in Albany,New York for the past seven years, I have taught Jurisprudence to the fifth year PharmD class. My primary goal in teaching Jurisprudence is to prepare students for the Pharmacy Boards. The goal of this book is to prepare you to be successful in your endeavor to pass the federal portion of the Pharmacy Boards. For those of you who have been successful in passing the Pharmacy Boards, this book will serve as a reference tool as you advance the practice of pharmacy.

The book is divided into topics including a description of the federal entities that guide and regulate the practice of pharmacy; a history of pharmacy law; a demonstration of the drug approval process; a review of drug product substitution; a comprehensive review of the controlled substances act; a review of opioid treatment; an overview of medical devices, dietary supplements, herbals, homeophathics, and cosmetics; drug product packaging and labeling; and other regulations such as HIPPA, USP 797, bar coding, and the methamphetamine act. Where possible each chapter provides web sites helpful in further discussion of the topic. Click Here to download ebook (source:PHARMATEXT.ORG)

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Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009


The BNF is a joint publication of the British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. It is published biannually under the authority of a Joint Formulary Committee which comprises representatives of the two professional bodies and of the UK Health Departments

The Dental Advisory Group oversees the preparation of advice on the drug management of dental and oral conditions; the Group includes representatives of the British Dental Association. The Nurse Prescribers’ Advisory Group advises on the content relevant to nurses. The BNF aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information about the use of medicines. The BNF includes key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines. Medicines generally prescribed in the UK are covered and those considered less suitable for prescribing are clearly identified. Little or no information is included on medicines promoted for purchase by the public. Click Here download ebooks (Source:

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Rabu, 15 Juli 2009


Effective pharmacy practice is based on research evidence and best practice, and original research is referred to, where appropriate, throughout the text. As practicebecomes more evidence-based, pharmacists increasingly need to evaluate and implement research findings, and undertake their own research and professional audits.

To this end,we have included sections detailing how medicines use is surveyed and costed, togetherwith practical guidance on doing pharmacy practice research and evaluating pharmaceutical services.
Undergraduate pharmacy courses remain rooted in the pharmaceutical sciences. Within libraries, social and behavioural science texts are segregated from pharmacy texts, and often found at separate sites. Furthermore, interdisciplinary teaching within pharmacy schools remains the exception rather than the rule. Consequently, many of the disciplines and concepts included here will be unfamiliar, perhaps even alien to readers. The backgrounds of the contributors to this textbook are diverse, including pharmacy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, health economics and communication.However, they share a common appreciation of how selected aspects of their specialty inform pharmacy practice. It is hoped that by bringing together disciplines whose knowledge base can, and should, underpin pharmacists’ activities, this comprehensive book will equip readers to be effective health care practitioners.
Click Here for Download(Source: PHARMATEXT.ORG)

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Minggu, 05 Juli 2009


Buku Saku ini memuat uraian tentang epidemiologi, prevalensi, etiologi, patofisiologi, presentasi klinis,diagnosa, prognosa, terapi dari osteoArthritis dan gout Arthritis. Buku saku ini juga menguraikan peran apoteker dalam menjalankan Pharmaceutical Care dengan mempraktekkan evaluasi kebutuhan pasien akan obat, seleksi obat spesifik, evaluasi regimen obat, monitoring efek terapi obat serta konsultasi, edukasi dan informasi (KIE) untuk pasien.

Arthritis adalah istilah umum bagi peradangan (inflamasi) dan pembengkakan di daerah persendian. Penyakit ini cukup banyak menyerang masyarakat Indonesia pada usia 25-74 tahun dengan prevalensi dan keparahan yang meningkat dengan usia. Penatalaksanaan pasien Arthritis bisa dilaksanakan dengan terapi obat dan terapi non obat. Terapi non obat adalah dasar rencana Pharmaceutical Care untuk Arthritis rematik yang harus dilaksanakan untuk semua pasien dan dimulai sebelum atau bersama-sama dengan analgesik sederhana. Komunikasi antara dokter,apoteker dan pasien merupakan faktor terpenting dalam penatalaksanaan nyeri. Klik disini untuk download buku (sumber:BINFARKOMNIK DEPKES RI)

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